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Preservation Storytelling [POSTPONED]

NOTICE (1/5/21): This event will be rescheduled for the spring.

APT-DVC is searching for preservation stories!!  If you have a story about a discovery during construction, a crazy client request, an unusual solution or anything preservation related, send us an email.  We will have our first APT-DVC Preservation Story Hour with the membership via Zoom where you can tell your tale on January 19, 2021 between 6 and 7pm.

Storytellers: Stories should be approximately 5 minutes long and be about anything preservation related.  Storyteller will present to the membership via Zoom.  Please email us with a brief summary of the story and we will get back to you with further information on how to participate.  Deadline for submissions is December 9th, so don't delay! As an additional incentive, APT is offering a gift tote bag to storytellers who are selected. The bag (which is also available on our website) celebrates APT DVC's 35th Anniversary, and is both durable and attractive enough for everyday use. 

Attendees: Please RSVP in advance through Eventbee, and you will receive a link to the Zoom session prior to January 19: