Why Become a Member?
The Delaware Valley Chapter of APT International (APT-DVC) encourages all professionals, craftspeople, advocates, and students in the field of historic preservation, architectural conservation, and restoration to join our Chapter. Members enjoy special privileges to attend tours, lectures, and other events hosted by APT-DVC. Members will also receive e-mails regarding upcoming events and announcements. Annual membership benefits are as follows:
Announcements of APT-DVC programs and bi-annual symposium;
Free admission to programs;
Corporate, Government and Life members will be recognized on the website and in symposium brochures.
Membership Categories
APT Delaware Valley Chapter offers the following membership categories.
Membership is for the calendar year, January 1 - December 31.
Individual - $30
Announcements of APT-DVC programs and symposiums
Free admission to programs
Reduced admission to symposiums
Student - Free
Same benefits as Individual Members
Emerging Professional - $20
Same benefits as Individual Members
Available to recent (within 3 years) graduates of accredited graduate or undergraduate or trade apprenticeship programs
Corporate and Government- $100
Same benefits as Individual membership, plus recognition on the chapter website
Up to 4 Individual Memberships for members of the same firm
Corporate and Government Plus - $200
Same benefits as Individual membership, plus recognition on the chapter website
Up to 8 Individual Memberships for members of the same firm
Life - $400
Same benefits as Individual Members
Membership for the lifetime of the individual
Lifetime Members
Fred Baumert, PE (Senior Principal, Keast & Hood)
Kate Cowing, AIA (Kate Cowing Architect, LLC)
Sally Elk (Retired President & CEO, Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site)
Dominique Hawkins, FAIA (Partner, Preservation Design Partnership)
T. Scott Kreilick, FAIC (Founder, Kreilick Conservation, LLC)
Richard I. Ortega, PE, AIA, FAPT, APT RP (Principal, Ortega Consulting)
George Skarmeas, FAIA, FAPT (Partner, Preservation Design Partnership)
Justin M. Spivey, PE, FAPT, APT RP (Associate Principal, Klein & Hoffman)