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The Hale Building Restoration: The Force of Efflorescence on Masonry Structures

Please Please join APT-DVC for a very special webinar on June 24th at 5 PM.

Built in 1887, the Hale Building, considered "Perhaps the most bizarre-looking skyscraper of the nineteenth century," stands as a monument to the eccentric man who designed it: Philadelphia architect, Willis G. Hale. Throughout history, various repairs and modifications have been carried out on this building. Often the materials and methods used were not compatible with the original building system. This incompatibility led to the masonry absorbing and storing soluble salts which acted as a catalyst for deterioration and even caused unforeseen obstacles in the restoration. This APT-DVC Case Study, presented by Chris Hertz and Domenic Quinn of Premier Building Restoration, explores this fascinating building, its restoration, and the consequences of using incorrect and incompatible materials. This program is worth 1.00 LU.